Substance Use Disorder Among Anesthesia Providers: An Educational Module

Andrea Sias, RN, DNP, CRNA

DNP Nurse Anesthesia 

Substance Use Disorder Among Anesthesia Providers: An Educational Module

Project Category: Evidence Implementation

Project Team: Andrea Sias, DNP,  CRNA Joy MacCracken DNP, CRNA, Jennifer Greenwood, PhD, CRNA (Advisor)


Background: Substance use disorder (SUD) is a growing problem among anesthesia providers. Easy access to controlled substances, high stress, and production pressure of this career places anesthesia professionals at an increased risk for the development of SUD. Prior studies have demonstrated a lack of awareness regarding SUD prevention and interventions, as well as a hesitation to report suspected abuse among colleagues.

Methods: This single group pretest-posttest study consisted of a web-based module that was disseminated to Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists (SRNAs) from April 14, 2023 to June 5, 2023. Participants were recruited using social media to complete a 60-minute module about the signs of an impaired provider, management of an impaired provider, and barriers to re-entry into practice. 

Results: Forty-three CRNAs and seven SRNAs participated in the webinar. Only 36% of respondents were aware of the AANA helpline, which identifies a barrier on the lack of awareness of resources available for SUD.  The number of participants who reported being somewhat or extremely comfortable reporting a peer for SUD increased from 26% to 38% after completion of the module. Online education for SUD was shown to be effective at changing attitudes regarding the reporting of SUD among anesthesia providers.

Conclusion: Further efforts should focus on expanding and implementing SUD education among nurse anesthesia curricula and educating practicing CRNAs on the resources available for reporting and treating suspected SUD. Additionally, continuing to utilize web-based delivery is imperative to reach a larger audience to educate about SUD in anesthesia.