Developing a Comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Curriculum

Sunshine Kalu, RN, DNP, CRNA

DNP Nurse Anesthesia 

Developing a Comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Curriculum

Project Category: Original Research 

Project Team: Sunshine Kalu, DNP, CRNA Kehinde Abusaoud, DNP, CRNA                                                                       Sandra Larson, PhD, CRNA, FAANA (Advisor)


Background: As supported by evidence, heightened levels of emotional intelligence to protect student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNA) against the detrimental effects of stress and burnout may be developed through training; however, there is limited research on emotional intelligence training implemented within nurse anesthesia (NA) curricula. Therefore, this quality improvement project aimed to obtain students’ perceptions of a comprehensive, in-person emotional intelligence (EI) curriculum among 无码群交 (RFU) SRNAs.

Methods: Participants consisted of SRNAs (n=70) from the class of 2023 and 2024 who participated in monthly (January 2023-May 2023) EI training. Students' perceptions were measured using a Likert scale. SPSS was utilized for descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: A one-way ANOVA test detected a statistically significant change in perception among two groups (pre- and post-test groups) across three survey questions: Q1, F(1,70) = 8.255, p = 0.005; Q2, F(1,70) = 28.448, p = <0.000; Q3, F(1,70) = 19.331, p= <0.000. A Chi-Square test of independence showed a non-statistically significant relationship between gender and preference for EI training, X2 (3, N=39) = 4.668, p = .198. Thematic analysis identified multiple themes, including but not limited to recommended improvement, satisfaction with the in-person curriculum, and uncertainty.

Conclusion: There is a need to prioritize mental wellness and enhance EI attributes among SRNAs. Future quality improvement inquiry should be sought to assess the perceptions and benefits of integrating EI training into the curriculum during the preclinical phases of NA education at 无码群交 (RFU).