Leading the way in interprofessional education, practice and research

ÎÞÂëȺ½» (RFU) has a long history of leadership in interprofessional education. As healthcare becomes more complex and team-based, there is an increased need for robust education not only in basic and clinical sciences but also in health systems science (HSS) and quality improvement methodologies.

Blending health systems science and quality improvement, and an interprofessional focus Center for Interprofessional Health Systems Improvement (CIPSI) offers a forward-looking model for healthcare education. It strengthens RFU’s existing mission to prepare future health professionals to lead and collaborate effectively in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. CIPSI serves as a hub of excellence to provide faculty, staff, and students with the knowledge and skills to champion patient-centered, team-based care both locally and nationally.

Mission: To advance the quadruple aim and health system performance through IP education and research focused on optimizing the delivery of team-based collaborative care.

Vision: Every health professional has the best training possible so that every patient has the best care possible.

Key Initiatives

Educational Programming

  • HIPS 515 and the IP Distinction - CIPSI builds upon existing interprofessional courses and the IP Distinction, incorporating HSS and health systems improvement principles.
  • Interprofessional Simulation-Based Education - The center will expand simulation offerings to integrate real-world HSS challenges, such as coordinating care transitions, managing team-based clinical decision-making, and using informatics solutions.

Scholarship and Research

  • Dissemination of IP Work - CIPSI supports scholarship that explores how an IP framework drives better outcomes, reduces error, and improves patient and provider satisfaction.
  • Collaborative Projects - Faculty, staff, and students receive support to conduct quality improvement and health systems research across professions

Faculty and Staff Development

  • Professional Development - CIPSI offers workshops, seminars, and resources focused on health system science, leadership in QI, and IP collaboration.
  • Integration with Existing Centers - CIPSI collaborates with current centers and institutes to embed systems thinking into all facets of RFU’s health professions education.