Pre-Health Pathways

Pre-Matriculation Program

The Pre-matriculation Program (PMP) is a multi-track academic enrichment program sponsored by the ÎÞÂëȺ½» of Medicine and Science (RFUMS). PMP offers highly motivated post-baccalaureate students from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to enroll at no cost in a non-degree curriculum track. These tracks give students the ability to experience medical school level coursework while preparing to take or re-take the MCAT and grants additional, competitive academic development and experience to students seeking to improve their competitiveness as a medical or health professions degree applicant. PMP students benefit from focused faculty, staff and alumni mentors who provide academic support, skills development and a small cohort with whom they can experience professional school life and other enrichment experiences to which they might not otherwise have access.


INfluence Student Potential and Increase Representation in Education (INSPIRE) is an eight-week mentoring and applied research program designed to build the pipeline for Hispanic students pursuing higher education in the fields of science and biomedical research. The long-term goal of INSPIRE is to increase the number of qualified students from underrepresented populations completing advanced degree health programs and serving the community as practicing health professionals. Its primary purpose is to provide hands-on biomedical research opportunities and mentoring to promising high school and college students.