Housing Application Instructions

Contact Information

The contact information will be used to communicate any contract information with the applicant from the time that Student Housing receives the application.

Student Information

Students are asked to indicate their student status-new or returning student who is currently living off campus.

Contract Period

Contract periods are based on program start date and length of contract.

Program of Study

Check the box that indicates your area of study.

Apartment Preference Information

Assignment to apartments will be based on apartment availability and the order that applications are received. Whenever possible, assignment will be given to the indicated preference. However, assignment according to preferences for type of apartment or preferred roommate may not be possible. Each applicant is given the opportunity to list  preferences on the application itself.  Student Housing will always make every attempt to honor preferences; however, Student Housing will offer an assignment even when preferences are no longer available.

Single Student Housing

If an apartment mate preference is indicated, both students requesting a specific apartment mate must indicate the preference on the application. If either student fails to indicate the preference on the application, then the request cannot be honored. 

Family Housing

Students with families will contract for an entire apartment. The maximum number of family members housed in a one-bedroom apartment is two and in a two-bedroom unit is four (two to each bedroom). Only one apartment will be contracted per student. While the Housing Contract will be with the registered student, each apartment resident will be accountable for contractual terms and, in the event of a contractual breach, the student and other resident(s) will both/all be held accountable. The Office of Student Housing reserves the right to request proof of relationship, if necessary.

Special Needs/Additional Preferences

Applicants are given the opportunity to notify Housing of any special needs (e.g., ADA requirements or to indicate additional preferences, such as a low or high floor). Housing will take these requests into account while making assignments.  Students with ESA or Service Animal accommodations are required to rent a one bedroom apartment or both bedrooms in a two bedroom apartment and will not have a student roommate assigned to their apartment.  Additional information about access and accommodations can be found on the ADA Webpages