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From Los Angeles With Gratitude

From the time Carey Strom, MD ’80, was a child, he had more than an inkling that he would become a physician. “I…

The Injection Question

Research teams from both RFU and the University of California, San Francisco are shedding light on two popular noninvasive…
Two men talking

Immune System Heroes

In the years following the first Gulf War (1990–91), veterans reported chronic medical conditions that included fatigue…

Investing In People

The recruitment of several faculty researchers in the Department of Psychology over the past three years demonstrates…

Prioritizing Empathy

Ally Brown, PharmD ’22, navigated a challenging medical condition as she trained to become a pharmacist — an experience…

Putting Feet First

Max Tefo, SCPM ’25, is a father, husband, athlete, physical therapist and student. A descendant of the Bamiléké…