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Pretrial Motions

At the junction of criminal justice and health care lies the field of clinical forensic psychology — which applies…

An Enduring Legacy

Devotion to Chicago Medical School (CMS) and its students was a constant thread through the career of Matthew N. Harris…

University News

The university’s Michael Reese Foundation Center for Health Equity Research (CHER) is partnering with the Live Well…

Parallel Tracks

Dr. Rosalind Franklin’s work more than 70 years ago at King’s College in London (September 1951–May 1953) to create…
Alyssa Woodall

Third year student pharmacist Alyssa Woodall was selected as one of 20 Student Pharmacists across…

Archana Chatterjee, MD, PhD, dean, Chicago Medical School, was quoted in this August 2023 Scientific American story…