RFUMS All School Research Consortium College of Pharmacy presentations
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The RFUMS All School Research Consortium was held on March 15, 2023. The College of Pharmacy congratulates the following COP professors and students for their excellent work and presentations:
Best Scientific Symposium Talk: Impact of COVID-19 on the Academic Performance of Graduate Healthcare Students. Presenter: Aya Alwan. Mentor: Dr. Rahman.
Best Poster: An Evaluation of Outpatient Pediatric Asthma Prescribing Patterns in the United States. Presenter: Elizabeth Sutherland. Mentor: Dr. Rahman.
Best Poster —Undergraduate Intern: 7- or 8-Methyl-5-substituted-chromenopyridines and their anticancer activity. Presenter: Giorgio Papadatos, Lake Forest College. Mentors: Drs. Shivaputra A. Patil and John Buolamwini.